To celebrate Women’s History Month, we took a moment to spotlight some of the incredible women of Hatteras. These women are an inspiration to us all, and volunteered to share their advice for anyone who is looking to pursue a career in print.

Kristin Ajar
Meet Kristin Ajar, Executive Assistant – Customer Success at Hatteras who serves as a primary contact for some of our large client accounts on a daily basis. She’s involved with bringing projects to life – starting with initial concepting and prototyping, to the final point of delivery and everything in between. What helped her the most in building a career as a woman was becoming a Mom. “It has taught me how important work-life balance is and how making a list to keep myself organized is such a small thing that makes a huge impact on how I operate each day.” An important lesson Kristin learned in her career in printing is that mistakes sometimes happen. “It’s important to acknowledge it and quickly get right to the point of learning, so you never make the same mistake.”

Karli Casuccio
Karli Casuccio is a Program Manager on Hatteras’ Integrated Solutions Team, and has been in print for three years. She manages complex programs by collaborating with many different departments, systems, and clients, leveraging technology to promote automation and develop creative solutions for both our clients and internal operations. “Hatteras is inspiring. I am grateful to work in an environment that promotes growth and learning throughout every aspect of the company. The biggest factor that has helped me be successful at Hatteras is my willingness to adapt and learn from new challenges and opportunities.”

Jerily Curcio
Jerily Curcio is the Director of Customer Service for Hatteras. She connects with printing because she loves the progression of a project from inception to delivery. “Seeing the final product out in the world and knowing I contributed in a small way to the end result makes me happy.” What has helped her the most in building a career as a woman is having female role models to look up to and keep her grounded. “I began in print when there were a small number of women in this industry, so I looked toward members of my family (my mother, grandmother and aunt) and used their incredible work ethic as a guide. My goal with my team is to always lead by example and to be there to support them.”

Meaghan Delaney
Meaghan Delaney is the HR Coordinator at Hatteras. The biggest factor that has helped her be successful here is the people she works with each day. “I was completely new to print, and only had a few years of experience working in HR. However, I chose to move forward with this opportunity because I felt that I would be working with people who are passionate about what they do, and who would be willing to share their knowledge with me. A year later I can confidently say that my intuition was right.” Advice she has for women to grow – either in their own business or within the company they work for – is to talk to as many people as possible. “Every conversation with another person is an opportunity to learn and grow as an individual.” Meaghan also encourages women to “just be yourself and choose a company that appreciates you for you.”

Eriona Gjylameti
Eriona Gjylameti has been in print for 20 years and is a Vice President of Sales at Hatteras. Her mission is to always deliver world-class print solutions to her clients. What inspires her is looking at a successful final product, meeting the client’s deadline, and overcoming any challenges in between. “Being inspired helps me extend my own limitations and provides me with a new reference point of what is possible.” The biggest factor that has helped Eriona at Hatteras is a strong leadership team that makes sure she has the resources and tools she needs to excel in supporting her clients. “Behind every great business is, invariably, a great team of leaders, and we have this at Hatteras.”

Alvira Lewczak
Alvira Lewczak is a Production Planner at Hatteras, with 50 years of printing experience. She got into printing because her dad was a printer and owned a small commercial print shop. The printing industry was not always for Alvira, but changes in her life directed her back to the world of print. “When I started in print, women were primarily secretaries and typesetters. By building work relationships, looking outside the box to solve problems, learning the business from the bottom up, gaining respect from and giving respect to my peers has helped me in my career.” The most important lesson she learned in her career is to not be afraid of change, as it’s the only way to grow. “Push yourself. And don’t always look to take all the credit for a job well done, there are plenty of people supporting you that also did a great job.”

Michele Mulvey
Michele Mulvey is an Account Manager for Hatteras, with a career in print for 24 years. “Hatteras is really like a family and not just a place to work.” Michele enjoys the creative aspect of printing especially when Hatteras is brought into early conversations on a project with clients or agencies. “Print really chose me, and what really inspires me is helping people make their ideas become reality.” What has helped Michele the most to make a career as a woman? “Having a versatile personality. Everyday I interact with all kinds of people, and being able to adapt and connect in a positive way has proven to be a great asset. The most important lesson she has learned in her career in printing? “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Tomorrow is another day to do better and be better.”

Elisa Palazzolo
Elisa Palazzolo is a Credit and Collections Manager at Hatteras, who establishes lines of credit with new clients and authorizes credit limit increases. Elisa also focuses on processes to improve cash flow and reduce open account receivables. What has helped Elisa the most in making a career as a woman is her children. As a mom of four boys, she tries to set an example for them each day .”I have a passion for taking on new challenges with grit and positivity while empowering others to do the same. It makes me excited to get up in the morning and make my children proud.” The biggest factor that has helped her to be successful at Hatteras? “Stay positive, and everything else will fall into place.”

Ravina Shastri
Ravina Shastri is a Scheduling Coordinator for Hatteras. Being a big-time explorer who wants to travel the world keeps her inspired to work hard every day. As a self-dependent person, she’s encouraged to stand up and face any challenge that comes across her path. What’s helped Ravina the most to make a career as a woman is her ambition to grow. “Being independent and strong helps me achieve milestones that I’ve always dreamed of. My education and experience have had a major contribution to where I am in my life – accomplishments that I will always be proud of as a woman.” What advice does Ravina have for women to grow in their career? “Believe in yourself and stand up for yourself. Continue to do what makes you happy. Be bold, passionate, confident, and independent.”

Morgan Sprengel
Morgan Sprengel is our VP of Customer Success. “Within my role at Hatteras, I work as an extension of both our customers and our sales force to ensure they’re receiving the support needed to achieve their campaign goals.” Morgan is an important part of the early stages of onboarding new customers all the way through to manufacturing projects. She found her way into the print industry shortly after graduating from Towson University in 2016. “Nearly 7 years later, I am officially a print nerd and proud to be a part of #TeamHatteras.” Her advice for young women entering the printing industry? “Adopt a learning attitude and never stop asking questions.”

Amanda Tarsia
Amanda Tarsia is the Assistant Manager of Estimating and has been working at Hatteras for over six years. She got into printing completely by accident. She was searching for an estimator job when Hatteras showed up. “You can definitely say that print chose me, and I couldn’t be more grateful!” The biggest factor that has helped her be successful at Hatteras is her team. “When I first started I was unsure of the printing world but my team helped to pull me through, helping me to learn the business while providing constant support and encouragement.” Amanda’s determination is what has helped her the most to make her career as a woman. “I was determined not to fail and determined to make something of myself, and not to rely on anyone else for my success.” We are glad she has brought that determination to Hatteras.